Monday, January 21, 2019

Life is strange.

You know what,
Life is strange

I wanna do something that I is not allowed to
Eventually doing things I don't want to.
Mistry surrounds us all of the things un-done
Yes life is strange, where I  burn.

Making friends my moto
But I is from ghetto.
Not allowed to smile in my own quarter'
Yes life is strange, the place becomes more darker.

They ask me to be responsible for the things I did
Never appreciating the good I just achieved.
Making a mockery of My life
Yes life is strange, seems like jive.

"Oh, what's that smell!" They say When I cook
I have burnt hands but they won't look.
My  agony, their sham, I'm the sacrifice 'mr. little lamb'
And yes life is still strange, but now I don't give a damn!