Monday, December 21, 2020

The feast, The Fest and The Fast.

The minister, without any jitter,
Moves from state to state.
To tell the people , With drums and dribble,
Without any haste.

With the people surrounded, Opposition grounded,
Speeching of love to gain fame.
Hoping for a majority, with the authority,
He makes so many claims.

But there's a say, at the end of the day, at least
 to have a scrumptious feast.

The other one follows, with the loud bellows,
Screaming for the steam not to cool down.
His emotions are high, with red glittering eye,
To take down the one with the crown.

He makes another claim, but results the same,
With people agitated with these.
"Previous claims were hollow, how can we swallow,"
Do they want them to cease?

But He moves ahead, to have some rest
He's headed to inaugurate The Fest.

Another scene, no minister on big screen,
With the agitation in masses.
These are the farmers, the real charmers,
On the roads and grasses.

Shivering in cold, but bolder than bold,
Showing the strength to withstand.
Many wants them to redicule, called them the fool,
But they understand and comprehend.

During the tide, some even died,
But the agitation grows stronger.
Let's see, will they glee,
Or the agitation will go longer.

To see this longlast, we are aghast,
Now the farmers are on The Fast.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Pin drop silence

Pin drop silence,
Shh... she needs 
A pin drop silence.

Starting the assembly
She looks too manly,
Authority in her voice
Very sharp, loud noise,
Shaken, finding the balance
Shh.... She needs
A pin drop silence.

She speaks to the children,
The discipline, to strengthen,
The children are incoherent,
The teacher insolent,
She talks about the guidence,
Shh.... She needs
A pin drop silence.

Students so keen,
Princi' no where to be seen,
Sounds of laughter, sounds of cry,
Excitement in full supply,
But there she stands at the door,
makes a loud roar
To be quiet, From the entrance
Shh.... She needs 
A pin drop silence.

The period starts,
Someone farts,
Stinky is the smell,
Everyone wants to dispel,
Even the teacher 
shrieks with laughter,
But there Glowering, she stands in a distance,
Shh.... She needs
A pin drop silence.

The bell is rung,
The children flung
To the ground to play,
The dress is smeared in clay,
Someone running, someone spying,
The quietness is what they are denying,
She is agitated of such Defiance,
Shh.... She needs
A pin drop silence.

Shh... She needs
A pindrop silence.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

जो तेरा है वो मेरा है।

तेरे घर का जो किस्सा है,
वो मेरे घर का भी किस्सा है,
कुछ यादें जो साथी थी तेरी,
अब मेरे दिल का हिस्सा है।।

वो मेरे घर की सब्जी, तेरे घर का वो पाया,
एक ही थाली में तेरी,
सुकून खाने का हमने पाया।

तब, कुछ तू लाया, कुछ मैं लाया।

वो तेरे अब्बा की डांट,
वो मेरे दद्दा की बैंत,
कुछ तू खाया, कुछ मैं खाया।

वो तेरी अम्मी की बातें,
वो मेरी मां की यादें,
कुछ भूल गया, कुछ याद आया। 

I don't know why!

I don't know why!

I don't know why!
Is it a child's cry
To be alone in a room
Away from the worries,
Away from the heck-schek,
Is it worth a try?
I don't know why!

I don't know why!
The solitude is so shy,
No where is to be seen
The sheen too bright
For the eyes,
It lurks somewhere
But I don't know why?

I don't know why!
I wanna just try 
For once go to the world of green
To search for the life
 unseen by the eyes
To unveil the Mystery
To change the history
But I don't know how?
I just wanna try.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

ode to the child

Hey child,
You are yet to be born
Not with what we shall give 
But, with the world that provides

No love only hatred,
Only loss so sacred,
With the war that crashes,
With the death that lashes
On to the lives like satan.

You shall be born
In a country of your own,
You shall be given love 
Untill you are grown 
To empower the week
In the world so bleak
Of the love that should have been conferred.

Oh my child
You shall be born 
In the time of the calamity 
Where everyone thinks of himself
And none for the humanity.
You be the light in the catacombs
Give eyes to the blinds 
And Be the one who shall be heard.

Oh my child 
You shall be the one to bring the change
 To The world from withering and faint,
The one to bring peace and equality,
The one to seek the growth of humanity,

You may feel disheartened when born,
But shall seek joy in the journey you borne.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

जी आपको।

वोह आए हमारे दर पे,
कुछ मुस्कुराए, कुछ बतलाए,
पूछे किसे वोट डाल रहे हो,
हमने भी बोल दिया,
"जी आपको।"
और वो खुशी से गले से लगा कर
हमसे विदा हो लिए।

कुछ दिन बाद वो फिर से आए,
गले में थी मला, माथे पे था टीका,
भीड़ के बीच वो फिर से दिखाई दिए।
इस बार तो लोगो का भी था हुजूम
नारे भी लगाए जा रहे थे।
फिर एक बार वो माइक से बोले
" वोट डालने ज़रूर जाएगा, हमें ही जिताएगा।"

हम भी हुजूम को देख रहे थे,
उन्होंने हमको देखा, बुलाया और पूछा,
"जी किसको वोट देंगे।"
हमारा तो आज भी वही जवाब था,
"जी आपको"
(क्यों बताऊं किसी के बाप को!)
"जी आपको"
उन्होंने हाथ मिलाया, गले से लगाया, 
अपनी मला उतार हमारे गले में पहनाया।
वो खुश थे के सत्ता के गलियरों में उनको पूर्ण बहुमत मिलने जा रहा है।
और उनका फूल अब चमन में खिलने जा रहा है।

अगले ही दिन एक और महानुभाव आए, 
राग वो अपना खुदका गाए,
पूछ रहे थे के क्या रुझान होगा इस बार का,
पता तो चले अंतर जीत हार का।
चाय की चुस्की के साथ मठ्ठी भी खाए जा रही थी,
और अपनी पार्टी की राए भी गिनाई जा थी थी।

वो बोले के हमें ही दीजियेगा वोट तो ही उन्नति आएगी।
और फिर वो चल दिए।

आखिर में जब चुनाव का दिन नजदीक आया,
हमारे पास एक और मुद्दा लेकर कोई आया।
कहीं तो देखा है इन्हे हम सोच ही रहे थे,
वो आए और गले से ही चिपट लिए।
हमने पूछा "क्या हुआ, इतना खुश क्यों हो."
वो बोले, "आप तो आप को ही जीता रहे हो।"
हमने तो किसी को नहीं बताया के किसे हम मत दे रहे है,
कहे को ये इतने सख्त हो रहे हैं।

तभी याद आया
हम तो कब से ढिंढोरा ही पिट रहे हैं।
बार बार एक ही बात तो कहें हैं।
"जी आपको, जी आपको।"

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

i love you in everyway

I love the way you smile 
I love the way you you style,
I love the way you say,
I love you in everyway.

I love the way you look,
I love the way you cook,
I love the way play,
I love you in everyway.

I love the way you sleep,
I love the way you keep,
I love the way you pray,
I love you in everyway.

I love the way you laugh,
I love the way you pull the scarf,
I love you in everyway,
I love you every day.

I love the way you hug,
I love the way you shrug,
I love the way you keep your way,
I love you in everyway.

I love the way you shout,
I love the way you are loud,
I love the way you say, nay!
I love you in everyway.
I love you every day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

and I saw!

In the stormy shadowy sunday

I saw a salesman selling strawberries,
Organic oranges with olallieberries,
Pink peaches, pears and plum,
Nearby a small stinky shanty slum.

I saw a watcher watching wagon,
Alone a nocturnal knight with none,
Observing owners on obstruction,
Focusing like dragon of a dungeon.

I saw a student studying in shade,
Gaping at the golden glowing glade 
In books, the pictures presents precise,
Only knowledge shall suffice.

I saw an elder ebbing energy,
Shall surely be sent to surgery,
But mind muddled and marching,
Praising the past patriarchy.

I saw a tramp toiling an' turning to a tunnel,
His figure faint, fells like a funnel,
Asking alms, in austere atmosphere,
No shirts,no shorts, snowing so severe.

I saw a politician publicly pleasing the pigs,
tracking trenches, tricking and turning ticks,
These greedy-good Ghosts, girating to grate,
Harmful-hateful hosts, holding hands of hate.

I saw myself mindlessly mingling,
Watching Things torturing threateningly tinkling,
To give a helping hand, honour to the helpless,
Destroy those dodgy, diabolical desertness.

Monday, January 6, 2020

why? O why?

They come, they go,
It's perpetual, happening
Since long ago.

The face change, people bows,
on stage they pose
But they're deranged,
Nothing has changed
Sucking the bloods like 
Vamps, so close.

None is bothered,
We are tattered,
Our emotions speak,
But it's so bleak,
No one listens
To the prayers,
They just hasten.

We shall roar,
At their door,
 The freedom only will suffice,
The freedom to speak,
The freedom to see,
The freedom to live life i like.
The freedom to the way i die.

We shall be heard,
By that herd,
Our suffering and pain 
Won't go in vain,
We shall win the cause.
Shall we make a clause
To be together and fight
Coz freedom is my right.

I may live or I may die,
Never you stop asking them
O, why?