Tuesday, August 8, 2023


In a room were a few friends, 
Adorned in classic, fancy trends,
One was walking,
Other talking,
Someone drinking,
That girl was winking,
A thud, a bam,
There it was, the body of sam.

People were surprised,
Many cried,
Everyone thought "How did it happen,
Was it a knife or a small cannon",
Friends there, inspected,
Knife, cannon they rejected,
A voice, "Please get away mam,
From the body of sam"

"How did he die?" 
There was a cry,
Strangled with a ribbon?
Or Given some poison?
There were many speculation,
But none, the confirmed reason,
Who would kill, what's the aim,
"Oh! Poor beloved dear sam."

The police arrived,
They all hived,
One by one, they were called,
With fear, they crawled,
The darting questions,
Fearful emotions,
Couldn't they find the one to blame,
For the murder, of our dearest Sam.

The only thing that they did,
Mark the suspect, that had hid,
One was Macy, One was Gwen,
One was Stacy, other Sten,
With Manu, and Matt,
Keanu, and Bratt.
As if to slaughter they wanted a lamb,
For the brutal murder of our Sam.

Sam's body was sent to forensic,
To find, Who had played that deathly trick,
To the prison eight were sent,
For a fortnight to spend,
The time went by,
For the murder they denied,
cried, wept, talked, slept, in one room they cram,
For the murder of our Sam.

All eight then bailed, 
The investigation derailed,
There was no proof,
He only fell from the roof,
All eight felt relieved,
At last they were released,
The report only said,
And is as read,

" Sam fell from the roof,
He was a goof, 
He drank really hard,
Went up the terrace from the yard,
All the while he felt dizzy,
As he drank alot of fizzy,
He must have tripped,
Foot had not gripped
the floor he walked,
He fall and knocked,
He was in wreck,
As He broke his neck,
Hence, there is no one to blame,
For the murder of Mr. Sam"

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